Friday, October 21, 2011

Dear Mom,
Life has been rather rough lately, really rough. I love living in this new city though, it's just the right size for me and I absolutely love the fresh air. I haven't really made too many new friends but school and work keep me pretty busy and Michael is enough for me :). Other than that, I've had alot of health problems the last several months. I've been in the emergency room twice and I finally got in to see a rheumatologist, who
Told me I am having a flare up of my lupus. Not only that, but that it has escalated and is attacking my kidneys. I'm not going to lie, it's absolutely terrifying. Especially being practically alone here in a new City with family so many thousands of miles away. I had to have a kidney biopsy last Thursday and it wasn't as bad as I had expected but it wasn't exactly fun either. Oh, and another thing: the doctor put me on a bunch of steroids again, so I'm going to get a fat face again. Honestly I don't know how I am going to get through this this time. When I think about what an emotional roller coaster ride I went through last time I just don't know if I can handle that again. I'm not sure how I survived last time, especially I'm the midst of your death adding to it all. 
This time it just seems even scarier. Of course I have to wait a week for the results of my biopsy to see how bad the kidney damage is. What if it's really bad? What if I have to do dialysis? Or even worse, a kidney transplant?! What if I die? Renal failure doesn't sounds like a pleasant way to die. I'm going to be a pessimist here and say IM SICK OF ALL THE BAD THINGS HAPPENING TO ME!! GOOD GOD PICK ON SOMEONE ELSE FOR A CHANGE, I THINK IVE HAD MY FAIR SHARE OF SHIT FOR ONE LIFE TIME.  Yes, I'm ANGRY, I feel alone, and I wish you were here to help me through this. I need you desperately. 
Love your daughter, 

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